تصویری ندارد

بنیان های فلسفی آموزش بهداشت

 مولف/مترجم: جیل بلک (Jill M. Black) و همکاران  دسته: آموزش بهداشت  ناشر: جوسی-باس  سال انتشار: 2010  شابک: 9780470436783  تعداد صفحات: 450  قیمت: 2250000 تومان  زبان: انگلیسی  کد ترجمه: TPC202337  سایز فایل: 2.59 مگابایت  Tags: ترجمه کتابدانلود رایگان کتابدانلود کتاب آموزش بهداشت |  خرید/دانلود کتاب

عنوان فارسی: بنیان های فلسفی آموزش بهداشت

عنوان انگلیسی: Philosophical Foundations of Health Education

معرفی کتاب بنیان های فلسفی آموزش بهداشت

This book covers the philosophical and ethical foundations of the professional practice of health education in school, community, work site and hospital settings, as well as in health promotion consultant activities. Designed to be flexible, readers are prompted to develop their own philosophical and ethical approach(s) to the field after becoming familiar with the literature related to the discipline. It provides a state-of-the-art, conceptual framework and is targeted for health education majors who seek careers in health education and to provide other health science and health-related majors, who need to gain clear, succinct philosophical principles.

فهرست مطالب کتاب بنیان های فلسفی آموزش بهداشت

PART 1- Philosophical perspectives in health education

  1. This I believe: A philosophy of health education
  2. Philosophical bases for health education
  3. Three essential questions in defining a personal philosophy
  4. Health education as a basic
  5. Some guiding principles on health and health education: A philosophical statement
  6. The holistic philosophy and perspective of selected health educators

PART 2- Developing a philosophy of health education

  1. Connecting a personal philosophy of health to the practice of health education
  2. Health educators and the future: Lead, follow or get out of the way
  3. Health education and health promotion: A look at the jungle of supportive fields, philosophies, and theoretical foundations
  4. Philosophical trends in health education: Implications for the 21st century

PART 3- cognitive approaches in health education

  1. Teaching for understanding in health education: The role of critical and creative thinking skills within constructivism theory
  2. The paradigm shift toward teaching for thinking: Perspectives, barriers, solutions, and accountability
  3. Historical steps in the development of the modern school health program
  4. Philosophy and principles of the school health program

Part 4- changing behavior in health education

  1. Behavioral health and health education: An emerging opportunity
  2. Healthy behavior: The implications of a holistic paradigm of thinking through body mind research
  3. Problem-based learning: Catalyst for behavioral change
  4. Health promotion and empowerment: Reflections on professional practice

Part 5 freeing / functioning in health education

  1. Health education as freeing
  2. Democracy: The first principle of health promoting schools
  3. Human ecology and health education
  4. Spiritual wellness, holistic health, and the practice of health education

Part 6 social change in health education

  1. New health promotion movement: A critical examination
  2. Potential untapped: health education and health promotion as a means to peace
  3. Putting politics back in public health education
  4. Health care reform: Insights for health educators
  5. The role of health education associations in advocacy
  6. The role of health education advocacy in removing disparities in health care
  7. Lessons from developing countries: Health education in the global village

appendix a philosophy of health education grid
Appendix b philosophy of health education: a position statement of the American association of health education (AAHE)
Appendix c health literacy: a position statement of the American association of health education (AAHE)
Appendix d code of ethics for the health education profession