دستنامه علم و فلسفه تنبیه
مولف/مترجم: فرح فوکوارت (Farah Focquaert) و همکاران دسته: حقوق, روانشناسی, فلسفه-منطق ناشر: رولتج سال انتشار: 2021 شابک: 9781138580626 تعداد صفحات: 429 قیمت: 2145000 تومان زبان: انگلیسی کد ترجمه: TPC505132 سایز فایل: 7.11 مگابایت Tags: ترجمه کتاب | ترجمه کتاب تخصصی حقوق | ترجمه کتاب روانشناسی | ترجمه کتاب فلسفه و منطق | More Detailsعنوان فارسی: دستنامه فلسفه و علم تنبیه روتلج
عنوان انگلیسی: The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Science of Punishment
معرفی کتاب درسنامه فلسفه و علم تنبیه
Philosophers, legal scholars, criminologists, psychiatrists, and psychologists have long asked important questions about punishment: What is its purpose? What theories help us better understand its nature? Is punishment just? Are there effective alternatives to punishment? How can empirical data from the sciences help us better understand punishment? What are the relationships between punishment and our biology, psychology, and social environment? How is punishment understood and administered differently in different societies? The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Science of Punishment is the first major reference work to address these and other important questions in detail, offering 31 chapters from an international and interdisciplinary team of experts in a single, comprehensive volume. It covers the major theoretical approaches to punishment and its alternatives; emerging research from biology, psychology, and social neuroscience; and important special issues like the side-effects of punishment and solitary confinement, racism and stigmatization, the risk and protective factors for antisocial behavior, and victims’ rights and needs.
The Handbook is conveniently organized into four sections:
- Theories of Punishment and Contemporary Perspectives
II. Philosophical Perspectives on Punishment
III. Sciences, Prevention, and Punishment
IV. Alternatives to Current Punishment Practices
A volume introduction and a comprehensive index help make The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Science of Punishment essential reading for upper-undergraduate and postgraduate students in disciplines such as philosophy, law, criminology, psychology, and forensic psychiatry, and highly relevant to a variety of other disciplines such as political and social sciences, behavioral and neurosciences, and global ethics. It is also an ideal resource for anyone interested in current theories, research, and programs dealing with the problem of punishment.
فهرست مندرجات کتاب درسنامه فلسفه و علم تنبیه
کتاب درسنامه فلسفه و علم تنبیه رالتج در 4 بخش و 31 فصل به شرح زیر سازماندهی شده است:
Part I: Theories of Punishment and Contemporary Perspectives
1. Theories of Punishment
2. Retribution
3. Offenders as Citizens
4. Hybrid Theories of Punishment
5. Limiting Retributivism and Individual Prevention
6. The Contours of a Utilitarian Theory of Punishment in Light of Contemporary Empirical Knowledge about the Attainment of Traditional Sentencing Objectives
7. The Restorative Justice Movement: Questioning the Rationale of Contemporary Criminal Justice
Part II: Philosophical Perspectives on Punishment
8. Defamiliarizing Punishment
9. The Retributive Sentiments
10. The Right to Punish
11. Problem of Proportional Punishment
12. The Gap
13. Science and the Evolution of American Criminal Punishment
14. What is Wrong with Mass Incarceration?
Part III: Sciences, Prevention, and Punishment
15. Punishment, Shaming, and Violence
16. Humanizing Prison through Social Neuroscience: From the Abolition of Solitary Confinement to the Pursuit of Social Rehabilitation
17. Effects of Prison Crowding on Prison Misconduct and Bullying
18. Biosocial Risk Factors for Offending
19. Brain Abnormalities Associated with Pedophilia: Implications for Retribution and Rehabilitation
20. Current Trends in Cognitive Neuroscience and Criminal Punishment
21. Behavioral Genetics and Sentencing
22. Prediction, Screening and Early Intervention: A Critical Analysis
23. Comparison of Socio-Affective Processing across Subtypes of Antisocial Psychopathology
24. Forensic Mental Health Treatment and Recidivism
25. Recovery of Persons Labelled “Not Criminally Responsible”: Recommendations Grounded in Lived Experiences
Part IV: Alternatives to Current Punishment Practices
26. Punishment and Its Alternatives
27. Pre-Trial Detention and the Supplantating of our Adversarial System: A Case for Abolition
28. A Non-Punitive Alternative to Retributive Punishment
29. The Takings Doctrine and the Principle of Legality
30. How to Transform a Static Security Prison into a Dynamic Organism for Change and Growth
31. Towards a Strengths-Based Focus in the Criminal Justice System for Drug-Using Offenders
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